Tuesday, December 30, 2014

More Knitting For My Small Being

         So much making went on in this past month- it was difficult to show much of it off as most went off as gifts- secrecy was paramount- and so a modicum of online silence was necessary. One small bit of knitting that I was desperate to finish was for my Girly- I had visions of a snuggly warm vest covering her back as we iced through the forest of Christmas day- but it just didn't happen. I knitted on our way to the Okanagan- I knitted through out our holiday and then I knitted on the way home in the car as well- super simple garter stitch- just knitting back and forth. Still this small bit of snugness was left in pieces until just last night.

          Once stitched together and the ties added on my first hand knit garment was complete- this is almost but not quite a sweater- that is next onto the needles for the Boy! Miss Lo was so pleased to wake up this morning to one last Christmas gift- it fit perfectly and nicely matched her new Holiday dress from Mabo Kids. My little city elf is all set for a chilly winter in an old school- which tens to be either overheated or crafty- depending on which room you find yourself in- layers are important in Vancouver!

          With this small garment I have gotten a bit more  confidence in my knitting ability- I feel confident to cast on that sweater I have been dreaming of- Ok well I have two sweaters I'm itching to knit- but one thing at a time! I here by declare 2015 the year of the sweater!

P.S- also how is my little Miss getting so darn grown up? Every time I turn around she has grown another inch!


  1. Your little girl looks adorable. Your vest for her is perfect for the outfit. You are doing great with your knitting! I hope to get more into knitting and learn crochet next year! I love that elf hat - did you make it?

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I didn't make the hat- that was made made by another local Momma artist- but suits my girly completely- she's my city elf !

  2. Hve you checked out Tin Can Knits -The Simple Collection with tutorials for their sweater. -ttm

    1. Im starting a gramps sweater next Tannis- its from Tin Can Knits!


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