Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Crafternoon

         Since The Boy started school over a month ago- and lets face it all summer long- our crafting and art making has really taken a back seat. Fun, swimming and adventures replaced our quiet creative time and all of us really missed it. Yesterday during our walk home from school a large amount of wonderful leaves were collected- it was unanimously decided we would do some leaf rubbings.

        Leaf rubbings are one of my most favourite fall art projects- so easy and with minimal supplies needed. Regular cartridge or bond (computer) paper- nothing too heavy and crayons or oil pastels- we used pastels. If using oil pastels with small kids please remember- these are not crayons and they will not wash out of clothing readily. We also like to tape down our papers so it doesn't slide around- masking tape peels off easily when the project is complete. Don't forget leaves- fresh ones work best.

         The steps are simple- arrange leaves under the paper- this is when we tape the paper down in a few spots to prevent it from slipping around. Select a pastel or crayon and using the side- this is key- rub the pastel back and forth over the page applying light pressure. Magically the leaf shapes will begin to appear- instant art which is exactly what the Littles love. Have fun experimenting with laying down different colours over one another.

        We are going to make a concerted effort to get art and making back into our daily routines- although the Littles both get a fair amount of crafting at school- making art is a great way to unwind after a long day. I think The Boy in particular is being given so many rules to follow- in kindergarten- that it's a good balance to be able to come home and work on an art project for the joy of it- no rules- just expression and fun!

Ps- as we get into the rainy season in Vancouver come back often to check out more new crafting and art projects- especially going forward into the Holidays! I promise we will stop the gallivanting and get back to the crafting- really we will!


  1. Beautiful, I love this craft idea! We are going to collect leaves the next time we're out and do this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. what age did you start crafting with your kids? my son is writing everywhere with chalk and i dont like to encourage that too much, especially on the furniture...apartment living womp womp

    1. Mitzi- we have been crafting and making art with our kids since they were wee- like 1 year old with finger paints! As long as you teach your children to respect the art supplies your apartment will be fine! Always supervise young children with art supplies and have plenty of wet wipes or rags on hand for clean up! Happy crafting!


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