Friends it is Friday - the last Friday before our two weeks winter break- to say this has been a long time coming would be a major understatement- this fall has been really long and really emotional. Settling into our school routine hasn't been easy for any of us- kindergarten has not been easy for the Boy- the Littles feel separated from each other and miss each other badly. No one tells you upon entry to Elementary school that it won't be academics that your child will struggle with- the social learning curve is steep and rife with pit falls- I don't feel like we have hit our stride this year- not yet.
At any rate I feel like I'm limping across some imaginary finish line as we get up and get going this morning- a "to do" list a mile long popped into my head before my feet even touched the floor. I'm struggling to find grace with in my morning- let alone find my slippers- I need coffee S.T.A.T! The Littles can sense my mood and are getting wilder by the minute- add in a few inches of fresh snow and their excitement is understandable.
We are headed out of town soon- South to warmer climes and a new family adventure- just the four of us for Christmas- it will be different but I am sure good. I will still be posting here next week- keep your eyes peeled for updates of our California adventure! With my giant "to-do" list in mind I am going to sign off dear Friends- may your weekend be filled with joy and spiked egg nog! Happy Friday!
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