Thursday, May 9, 2013

5% More Simple

     I read this awesome blog- it's called Bliss Beyond Naptime- Kathy Stowell is the awesomesauce Momma behind this often times humerus take on Motherhood and life- she definitely keeps it real. Recently one of her blog posts really struck home- to quickly summarize the post talked about simplifying your life and what that actually means- how by even just simplifying 5% life becomes easier and more Blissful!

    This idea totally resonated with me- I thought "Dude! I can simplify  my life 5%!" - yes I often refer to myself as Dude when I am thinking out loud. 5% is nothing- 5% is cutting back on the amount of magazines I have lurking around waiting to be read, 5% is moving the kids plates & cutlery down so they can access these at snack time, 5% is getting rid of all the sticks off the deck- except for the really special ones- we "need" to keep those!

      When I commented on how excited this 5% idea made me Kathy responded that a fun way to simplify is to pack like you are moving- pack a few boxes of "extra stuff" up and just stash it away for a while. I thought this is excellent- summer is coming and I have some very clear ideas of how I want those days to be spent- definitely not battling the clutter of dolly strollers trying to open the window in the kid's room!

   Our vision for this summer is one of creativity, peace, relaxing- we have our bucket list started and most of the things on the list involve one beach or another, lots of bike riding and berry picking. When our home is cleared of clutter my mind works better- I can find things easily (shocking) to get us out the door faster.

    With fun as our motivation my Littles (who might think we actually are moving) eagerly got in on the action- we boxed up old puzzles and books we don't play with, winter boots that won't fit next fall and moved the swim suits and shorts to the for front of the dresser for easy access. They each picked out a handful of books and stuffies as well as their favourite toys- everything else went into the closet to wait patiently for a rainy day or next fall. What you see above is what they are left with and I think it is still pretty generous- the wooden kitchen is still out as well- you just cant see it.

    In my mind Summer is about Simple- our daily life is all ready pretty slow and easy- lots of walking and outdoor play- now our home will hopefully reflect that as well- a slow home! Thanks Kathy for the inspiration- I'm thinking if things are 5% simpler then I will be 5% a more connected Momma- it's that simple.

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