Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Just A Short Rant About Food

       Good Morning Friends! Sorry for the late start- I got carried away sorting out all this produce- and possibly just looking at the amazing bounty! As I mentioned in yesterday's post m parent's are starting to put their garden to bed for the season- but they held off until I could get there to harvest some of the last tomatoes and a few other goodies. Incidentally I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with!

      I can't wait for the day I have a yard with a garden- the fact is food- good, healthy, non GMO food is so expensive and can be hard to come by. Living in a city with such close proximity to farmlands means we are fortunate enough to have access to some of the best food in Canada. There is such a strong movement in B.C. for sustainable, organic foods- with a year round Farmer's Market we are able to indulge in that luxury- for surely it seems good food is a luxury- when shouldn't it be a right?

     So on today's agenda is cleaning, dicing and freezing carrots and kale- thinking about green tomato relish and at the Little's request our first pot of home made apple sauce for the season. Or deck acts like a natural root cellar- we have boxes of produce outside covered with wool blankets- not very aesthetically pleasing but it does the job and we will have fresh Okanagan apples in the middle of January still. I have oregano, sage, mint and lemon balm tied together in pleasant little nosegays and tacked to my wall- the aroma is more arresting than any air freshener possibly could be!

     Right at this moment I am so pleased with the haul from my parent's garden- it reminds me so much of my Grandma Shirley and her garden- her garden was able to feed the neighbourhood or so it seemed- I wonder if my kids will have similar memories. I think it was watching the women in my family working in the garden that sparked the interest in me- my Great Aunt Dorothy and her sister my Grandma Shirley. They showed me that food is a gift- not to be squandered- I can only hope this translates to our children.

"Teaching kids how to feed themselves and how to live in a community responsibly is the centre of an education" Alice Waters

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