This was the view we woke up to on Saturday morning- grey, dreary and generally soggy- the sky so low it felt like I could touch it. This is November in Vancouver - it is our reality and so we grab our rain gear and head out the door- soccer and ballet wait for no one- not even a parent who wants a second cup of coffee!
Post activities for the Littles and in spite of the rain we headed to Nat Bailey Stadium- local foodies in the know make a B Line there every Saturday between 10am and 2pm for what can really only be described as manna from heaven. A culmination of all the Vancouver Farmer's Markets in one place the Winter Market has all a person's grocery needs. Saltspring Island cheese- yes please! Jane's Honey- oh yah! Chili from a vintage Czechoslovakian military kitchen- ummm OK! It is all there!

This contraption below is The Chili Tank in the flesh- err metal- it is a vintage military soup kitchen shipped over from Germany and converted into the Chili Tank. Made from local and organic produce and served up with a side of organic baguette this is some of the best chili I have tasted to date- it is also kid tasted and approved even though it packs a bit of a spicy punch. The most interesting bit about this food "truck" is that it is heated with a green log- made out of 80% used coffee grounds- bringing me back full circle to that extra cup of coffee I was jonesing for pre-ballet!
In between dodging rain drops, soccer balls and beets things are starting to look a bit festive around here. I always love putting up twinkle lights in November to help combat the darkness- and so this week up went the lights and I added in a bit of glitter with a jar of sparkly peace signs. The pretty pink tissue flowers were a birthday gift from a friend last spring- I think they work all year round!
Of course in amongst all this daily life Holiday sewing is starting to creep in- a visit to the fabric store yielded a fresh stack of inspiration. I have two special friends in my life that are expecting their first babies this spring and so I do what I know how- I sew- little bits and bobs that wee ones need. Once again I turned back to one of my favourite books Little Things To Sew from Oliver & S- filled with classic patterns that are easy to follow as well as being really functional in every day life. If ever there was a weekend to do some sewing it was this one!
I am starting to get excited about the holidays- they are peaking around the corner. I have a pretty extensive list of sewing to accomplish before December 24 and my plan of attack is to have it finished so I can kick back and relax early on. St. Nicholas Day, Solstice, Christmas- I find can be very overwhelming and I tend to over commit during this season. I love to make things for people but a good way to ruin that is to bite off more than I can chew- so baby steps starting with something special for a new little babe- full of hope and love!
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