Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our Girl Turns Three

    It feels just like yesterday that this sweet girl came into our lives- born on a muggy Vancouver morning in 2009- she chose our family as her own. I couldn't be prouder of who she is becoming- and it really doesn't have much to do with me- this is just who she is. I see many faces of her ancestors pass across her own but most often I see my Grandma Shirley through her eyes and the way she cocks her eyebrow.  Her favourite activity is drawing and her favourite food is cheese. This sweet gal of mine is growing so fast.

       This past Sunday found us at Kin Beach in Vernon celebrating Miss Lo with family from both sides of the tracks as well as some really special friends of ours. Our niece's wedding was the day before and so we wanted to decompress a bit but still make Miss Lo's day a special one- and so it was to the lake! All the adults sat around in the shade with a warm Okanagan breeze blowing over us chatting and catching up while the kids had fun ripping around on the grass & swimming in the lake- the way an August day in the Okanagan should be!

Allison hiding out in the teepee!
The teepee was a hit as all the kids tried to crowd in together- $110 Plain Jane Designs
Momo and Poppa brought the cake- everyone loved all the icing!
Uncle Kyle and Lukas chilling in the shade
    We are so lucky to have all these amazing people in our children's lives- Lola's Great Aunt Rosel and Great Uncle Stuart were there as was her Omi and Momo and Poppa. Surrounded by Auntis and Uncles and Cousins is how we want these littles of ours to grow. They are so loved!

Happy Birthday my girl! xox


  1. Fun Party! Also I have to say, I still have that Richard Cary book from when I got it as a kid and it is fantastic!

  2. So cute! J loves that Richard Scarry book - it was one of my favourites and Alex's favourites too!

  3. It is a really great book! Lo read it almost the entire way home!


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